JAKARTA - The Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) assessed that it was not the capacity of the Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari to conclude that the results of the calculation of ballots or exit polls abroad were lies or hoaxes.

Previously circulated on social media videos showing the provisional results of the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) in six countries, including Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Taiwan.

"The chairman of the KPU said that the exit poll that we have received from the results of elections abroad for hoaxes. I think we also need to convey that it is not the capacity of the KPU chairman to say something hoax information or not," said the Director of Information Communication and Spokesperson for the National Winning Team or TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Tomy Aryanto to reporters, Tuesday, February 13.

According to him, it is necessary to check first before concluding the news. So, it doesn't confuse people.

"Checking these facts is usually carried out by third parties such as fact-check.com or mafindo online or the Ministry of Communication and Information, I think," he said.

On the other hand, Tomy mentioned the possibility of differences in treatment that will be shown by the KPU if the calculated results win another candidate pair (paslon).

"So that's all I need to emphasize regarding, earlier Mr. Aria Bima said that if the one who won the one who was next to it might have a different response again," said Tomy.

KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari emphasized that all vote count results, both official recapitulation and survey methods, must be carried out after the domestic voting is completed, namely on February 14, 2024 at 13.00 WIB.

"The announcement of vote count results such as quick count or exit polls can only be announced after the domestic vote with the time of western Indonesia has been completed," said Hasyim.

Regardless of whether or not the results of the exit of the 2024 presidential election were correct, Hasyim emphasized that public participation in the form of election socialization, political education for voters, surveys or polls on elections, as well as quick counting of election results must follow the provisions regulated by the KPU.

This is stated in Article 449 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. In Article 449 paragraph (2) it is stated that the announcement of survey results or polls on elections is prohibited from being carried out in a quiet period.

Then, Article 449 paragraph (4) outlines that the executor of the fast counting activity is obliged to notify the source of the funds, the methodology used, and the results of the quick calculation that he did were not the official results of the election organizers.

Then, Article 449 paragraph (2) states that the announcement of the forecast results for the election's quick count should only be carried out no later than 2 hours after completing the vote in the western part of Indonesia.

"Violations of the provisions of paragraph (2), paragraph (4), and paragraph (5) are crimes of the election," said Hasyim.

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