The WESTERN PESIsir - Rafflesia flower was again found to bloom perfectly at Rhino Camp, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS), Bengkunat District, West Coast Regency, Lampung. Ariya, a guard staff of Rhino Camp, explained that the location of the perfect blooming rafflesia flower is located in the forest area of TNBBS, precisely adjacent to the West Tanggamus-Pesisir border. "For Rafflesia here, only last Sunday, the first blooms, and for the long phase, it is approximately seven to eight months," said Ariya, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 13.

Rafflesia flowers were found scattered in Southeast Asia, particularly the Malayan Peninsula, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, and the Philippine archipelago. Arya said the difference between the Rafflesia flower and other corpse flowers lies in the growth of blooms and heights. If the Rafflesia flower is shorter.

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