Noise When Screened, Heavy Sanctions For Violators
Ban while in the sound booth (Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA - Before voting for the 2024 election, it is better for the public to know the rules at the polling station. Voting will be held on Wednesday, February 14th. There are several restrictions when in ballot booths that must be understood.

The General Elections Commission (KPU) has imposed a number of rules in the implementation of the General Election. The existence of this rule aims to ensure that the General Election runs without disturbance, fair, transparent, and in accordance with the principles. So what are the prohibitions when in ballots that must be obeyed by the community?

In the implementation of the election, the public will vote in the ballot booths that have been provided at each polling station. The public will bring a ballot letter containing photos of presidential and vice-presidential candidates to be voting when in a closed ballot booth, in order to maintain confidentiality or privacy of choice.

The voting process must be carried out based on the principles of democracy and the right to vote from every community. In addition, the implementation of the election must be carried out without fraud or violations. In order to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the election process, here are some restrictions when in the voter or when voting:

One of the things that is prohibited when in the sound booth is carrying a cellphone, a recording device, or other electronic device. This rule aims to prevent the action of recording or shooting at risk of revealing someone's voice choice.

By disobeying these rules, you play a role in maintaining election confidentiality in the election. The regulation has been contained in Article 25 Paragraph (1) Letter (e) of PKPU Number 25 of 2023, which states that before voters vote, the chairman of the KPPS reminded and forbade voters to carry cell phones or other image recorders in the ballot booth.

Still related to the previous ban, voters are also not allowed to document their voting rights when in ballot booths. This rule is contained in Article 28 paragraph (2) of PKPU Number 25 of 2023 concerning Voting and Counting in General Elections.

People or voters who are found to have violated these rules will be subject to sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations. Actions to record or take photos of ballots will be sentenced as contained in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (UU Pemilu) Article 500.

Voting or voting is carried out on ballots provided by the KPU through officers at their respective polling stations. Voters are prohibited from scribbling or tearing the ballots they get. If the ballot is torn or crossed out, then the ballot is invalid or not counted.

Apart from being provided with ballots from the KPU, officers at the TPS also provide tools or objects to voting. Voters are not allowed to vote with other objects such as needles, pens, or cigarettes. This is important to ensure that the ballot is still in good condition and valid so that it is valid to calculate.

The KPU applies sanctions or penalties for people who violate election rules. Those who are found to have violated will be punished in the form of a maximum imprisonment of one year and a maximum fine of Rp. 12 million.

Those are some restrictions on ballot booths or when voting at polling stations. Every community is obliged to comply with applicable rules in order to maintain the principles of democracy and maintain elections so that they are fair, transparent, and take place without interruption.

By following these rules, we also ensure that each voter gets a fair and equal opportunity in expressing his political will. Also read the rules for a quiet period of the election for 3 days.

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