JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court held the inaugural trial of the pretrial lawsuit of Fransiska Candra Novita Sari alias Siskaeee for his determination as a suspect in the alleged pornography case, today.

The pretrial lawsuit is the second time. This is because Siskaeee's first lawsuit was officially withdrawn on January 29.

"Yes, today is the schedule for the inaugural trial," said Siskaeee's attorney, Tofan Agung Ginting when confirmed, Monday, February 12.

Based on the Case Tracking Information System or SIPP, the Siskaeee trial will be held in court room 04 at around 10.00 WIB.

In the pretrial lawsuit, the defendant's party, namely, the Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak and investigators who handled the alleged pornography case Siskaeee.

Previously, Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak stated that his party was ready to face a pretrial lawsuit if later the Siskaeee camp re-registered it.

The Legal Division (Bidkum) of the Polda Metro Jaya will be'merladeni' Siskaeee's legal team at trial.

"So whatever it is related to a pretrial lawsuit filed by the suspect and his attorney, we are ready to face it through the Bidkum Polda Metro Jaya," said Ade.

As a reminder, investigators made efforts to force the arrest of Siskaeee. This celebgram was arrested in an apartment in the Yogyakarta area, Wednesday, January 24.

A day later, investigators decided to detain Siskaeee. The reason is that his actions are often absent from being investigated to interfere with the process of investigating cases of alleged pronography.

In this case, Siskaeee was charged with Article 8 in conjunction with Article 34 of Law Number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography.

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