JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan feels that the efforts to handle the COVID-19 Response Team are not limited to forming a complaint post for residents. He has also thought of a number of other steps to prevent the transmission of the corona virus in Jakarta.

Because based on the latest data, the number of positive patient cases of the corona virus in Indonesia has jumped to 27 people. The DKI Provincial Government has also begun to think about several additional steps to reduce the impact of the transmission of the virus, scientifically known as COVID-19.

The first thing, Anies formed a team to review the licensing activities held in Jakarta. A team consisting of the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government, namely the PTSP Service and Polda Metro Jaya was formed, as a follow-up to the prohibition of crowd permits in public spaces during the outbreak of the corona virus.

"All activities that will be held in Jakarta must be reported to the licensing review team. They will pay attention to several influencing factors. For example, where are the participants, how many, their activities, intensity of contact, and others," said Anies at City Hall. DKI, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, March 11.

Referring to the results of the study, this review team will decide that an event will be allowed to run on conditions, or must be postponed, or must be canceled.

Second, Anies instructed the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government who have symptoms of fever, flu, and cough that lead to the corona virus to report their health condition to the DKI Health Office.

If the Health Office determines the ranks of the Provincial Government which include BUMD, ASN, and contract workers (honorary) experiencing symptoms of being people under corona monitoring (ODP), they must isolate themselves at home.

"If self-isolation, there will be no deductions from wages and no deductions from performance allowances. Being at home is to save himself and save his colleagues, neighbors and the environment," explained Anies.

Anies hopes that a private company based in Jakarta will also implement a quarantine policy for employees who experience symptoms of the corona virus.

Furthermore, Anies will suspend the activities of the Motor Vehicle Free Day (HBKB) or Car Free Day (CFD) along Jalan Sudirman-MH for two weeks, namely March 15 and 22.

This step is considered important to minimize and prevent the potential for transmission of the corona virus in crowded places.

"For the car free day in the next two weeks in order to protect and protect Jakarta residents from potential transmission, in the next two weeks the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will eliminate motorized vehicle-free days," said Anies.

After the next two weeks, Anies will decide to continue the CFD event after his party monitors the development of the deadly virus originating from the city of Wuhan, China.

"We do this while seeing how the development of the transmission of the corona virus. After two weeks we review it but next week and the following week HBKB will be eliminated," he said.

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