KUPANG - The inauguration of the elected Regent and Deputy Regent of Sabu Raijua, Orient P Riwu Kore and Thobias Uly was postponed than it was supposed to be Friday, February 26.

The plan to be inaugurated with 5 elected district heads of NTT, namely, Juandi David and Eusabius Binsasi (North Central Timor Regency), Khristofel Praing and David Melo Wadu (East Sumba Regency), Herybertus Nabit and Heribertus Ngabut (Manggarai Regency), Andreas Paru and Raymundus Bena (Ngada Regency), as well as Edistasius Endi and Yulianus Weng (West Manggarai Regency).

Reported by Antara, Thursday, February 25, the postponement of the inauguration was in accordance with the NTT Provincial Government's letter regarding the notification of oath / promise taking and inauguration of the elected regent and deputy regent obtained in Kupang.

In the letter signed by the NTT Regional Secretary, Benediktus Polo Maing, it was only addressed to five of the six elected regent and deputy regent candidate pairs from the 2020 Pilkada that have been proposed to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The Head of the NTT Regional Secretariat Administration Bureau, Doris Rihi, said that the inauguration of the regent and deputy regent in the first phase, which will be held on Friday, February 26, is only for five districts.

Meanwhile, for Riwu Kore and Uly the time of their inauguration was postponed because they were still in process at the Ministry of Home Affairs. The postponement of the inauguration of the pair who are promoted by the PDI-P and the Democratic Party is suspected of being due to the problem of US Citizen (WN) belonging to Riwu Kore.

Previously, the Election Supervisory Agency for Sabu Raijua Regency stated that it had received confirmation from the United States Embassy in Jakarta that Riwu Kore was an American citizen.

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