JAKARTA - There has been no significant progress related to Muray's legal process, a man in Cilincing who is suspected of committing violence against his wife, Siti (44) at his home. In fact, the case occurred on November 18, 2023, at 07.30 WIB and has been reported to the North Jakarta Police. According to Siti, as a victim, there was no legal certainty from the police even though she had undergone a series of examinations. Casrina, the victim's mother, admitted that she was disappointed with the slow handling of the domestic violence case. Moreover, said Siti, the perpetrator was still on the loose. "I wanted three months during my report. Yesterday I said I had to be arrested the perpetrator. But until now I have not," said Casrina when confirmed, Monday, January. Casrina questioned the performance of the police regarding the case experienced by her biological child. Because the injury due to Siti's husband's treatment was very serious. The tail bone cracked. I am confused by the performance of the police who have not yet arrested the perpetrators," he said. He hopes that the North Jakarta Metro Police will immediately arrest the perpetrators so that Muray is deterrent and do not do the same thing. Please as soon as possible (arrest), " he concluded. North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Gideon Arif Setyawan said this case was still a problem in the investigation. He said that this case of violence had been given attention to be followed up and investigated further. When asked further, Gidion was reluctant to answer. It is clear that KDRT, we have attention to it," said Gidion

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