SURABAYA - The Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya opened registration for four new study programs (prodi) in the National Selection Based on Achievements (SNBP) and National Selection Based on the 2024 Test (SNBT).

ITS Education Director Prof. Siti Macheasy revealed that the study program consists of Data Science Programs from the Faculty of Science and Analytica Data (FSAD), Software Engineering Program (RPL) and Artificial Intelligence Engineering Program (RKA) from the Faculty of Electrical and Intellectual Technology (FTEIC), as well as Medical Study Program from the Faculty of Medicine and Health (FKK).

"Previously in 2023, the four study programs were only in Independent Selection, but now they can be selected on SNBP and SNBT," said the woman who is often called Macheasy quoted from ANTARA, Sunday, February 4.

With the joining of the four new programs, he said that ITS currently has 44 choices of undergraduate programs (S1) as well as eight D4 or applied undergraduates that can be selected.

According to him, there is one other new study program that is still waiting for the ratification of its accreditation so that it can participate in SNBP and SNBT, namely the Digital Innovation Study Program under the Department of Information Systems from FTEIC.

Mach mudah juga menyampaikan, skema Seleksi Mandiri Achievements ITS kini telah berubah nama menjadi Seleksi Mandiri Berbeasiswa.

In this selection, ITS will provide scholarships for registrants who have extraordinary achievements. The scholarship is in the form of a freedom from the obligation to pay the Institute Development Contribution (IPI) or previously known as the Institution Development Donation (SPI).

"So it is only obligatory to pay the Single Lecture Money (UKT)," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the selection of the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) pathway at ITS, he also provided information that if the participants who had been received in this IUP program but were later declared to have passed the SNBP, then the voting at the IUP would be disallowed in accordance with regulations from the applicable Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

In contrast to the registrants who were received at the IUP, they were also declared to have passed through the SNBT route.

If the registrant does not re-register the SNBT, then he will still be declared accepted at the IUP.

Furthermore, the professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering detailed that in this year's new student admissions, ITS provided a quota of SNBP of 1,564 seats or 23.81 percent, SNBT of 2,189 seats or 33.32 percent, and Independent Selection of 2,817 seats or 42.88 percent of the total quota.

Regarding all available information, prospective registrants can access the information more fully through the page.

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