Fugitive Persecution Of 2 Sukabumi Residents With Electrons Arrested, Hurt Wife Accompanied By Victim
Nagrak Police Personnel When cooperating with M, the suspect in the persecution case in Sukabumi/ANTARA/Aditya Rohman

SUKABUMI - Nagrak Police personnel arrested a fugitive suspected of being the perpetrators of the persecution of two residents of Ciambar District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, on Saturday (27/1) which resulted in the victim being critical.

"From the results of the investigation in collaboration with the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim, we finally managed to arrest suspect M (51) who had been on the run for almost a week. The alleged perpetrator was arrested in one of the rented houses in Cipinang Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta in the early hours of Friday (2/2)," said Nagrak Police Chief Iptu Teguh Putra Hidayat as reported by ANTARA, Friday, February 2.

According to Teguh, from the results of the examination of the suspect, after molesting the victim using an ax, M had fled and hid in a forest in Ciambar District before fleeing to the Jakarta area.

Before stabbing the victim, known as Ajun Junaidi (51), a resident of Leuwikeris Village, RT 01, RW 08, Ciambar Village/District, the suspect did the same thing to other residents on Thursday (26/1).

According to the information gathered, the suspect's brutal action to the first victim was because he was jealous of his wife being carried by the victim, so that he was hurt and revenge finally desperate to persecute the victim using an ax.

After molesting the first victim, M then went to the house and looked for the wife of Ajun Junaidi (the second victim) to ask about the distribution of the results of business cooperation, but because there was no common ground, the suspect finally went berserk and took out an ax from behind his clothes to persecute the victim's wife.

Seeing his wife being abused by the perpetrator, Ajun spontaneously protected her and was stabbed several times, such as in the head, back and other parts of the body. As a result of this persecution, the victim is still in critical condition at Sekarwangi Hospital Cibadak, Sukabumi Regency.

"The suspect's motive was to abuse two of his victims because the first grudge was motivated by jealousy and the second was due to unclear business results," said Teguh.

Teguh said that his party was still asking for information from the suspect and developing this case. As a result of his actions, M was charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution which carries a prison sentence of more than two years.

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