JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff, (KPS) Moeldoko said that Japan is a strategic partner of investment in various sectors, especially in the economic and infrastructure sectors.

This was said by Moeldoko to receive a visit from the Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia, HE Masaki Yasushi at the Bina Graha building, Jakarta, Friday, February 2.

On this occasion, Moeldoko welcomed the ambassador who had just carried out his duties in Indonesia in December 2023.

He also mentioned that bilateral relations between Indonesia and Japan will not be affected in the midst of the 2024 General Election democracy party.

Moeldoko added that in the last 65 years, excellent bilateral relations between Indonesia and Japan should be maintained. He continued, the cumulative cooperation in the Indonesian economic sector "Japan" from 2016 to the 3rd quarter (Q3) 2022 reached USD 27.28 billion.

Accompanied by the value of the 4th largest foreign investment in 2022, it will reach USD 3.6 billion. I hope that the presence of the new ambassador Masaki can further strengthen existing relations," said Moeldoko.

Moeldoko said that Japan is Indonesia's strategic partner in various sectors, especially in the economic and infrastructure sectors. Furthermore, Moeldoko said that currently the two countries will focus more on renewable and defense energy cooperation.

Regarding the cooperation of renewable energy, Moeldoko considered that the two countries had the same concern regarding the green economy.

Meanwhile, regarding defense cooperation, added Moeldoko, the two countries have the same responsibility to maintain peace and security stability in the IndoPacific region.

This can also be seen in Japan's participation in the cooperation of joint non-war training with the Indonesian Navy.

"As a former TNI commander, I have a comprehensive view in bringing cooperation between the Indonesian and Japanese militaries, I think in the future I think we should contribute to the creation of stability in the region and a lot of military equipment that we can talk about to strengthen the two countries," said Moeldoko.

Meanwhile, Masaki said that his party is also committed to collaborating more broadly with the Government of Indonesia regarding a green economy and jointly showing the energy transition that contributes to the region and the world.

Regarding defense cooperation, Masaki said the Japanese government is renewing its defense policy and wants to continue cooperation in the main defense tools with countries in Asia, which currently also involve the Philippines and Vietnam.

"I hope that cooperation with Indonesia will be more concrete, especially maritime cooperation because Indonesia and Japan face the same situation. Therefore, we must work together in realizing the vision of maritime peace," said Masaki.

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