BOGOR - Candidate for vice president number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka was surprised to learn that there were still areas that had not been reached by the internet or "black spots" in Bogor Regency, West Java.

"There is still a blank spotga at your place? Wow, it's like Bogor Regency. Okay, it's okay to be a PR, because yesterday the minister was corrupt," said Gibran when interacting with the e-sport community in Cibinong, Bogor, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 31.

He then promised millennials who were present to make the problem homework (PR). So that in the future, internet access in the area can be faster and can be purchased at a low price.

"If you want to make a thesis, what do you want to do with the fast internet. So, the direction is there, we are preparing digital infrastructure and a digital ecosystem," he said.

Gibran, who is the mayor of Solo, also showed off what he had built to complement the needs of millennials for about two years in office.

One of them, Solo Techno Park, which provides various skills tutoring such as water welding, cybersecurity education, MSME incubation, to schoolgaming whose implementation is in collaboration with Acer.

"There are a lot of young people gathering, mostly free wifi, because we have cooperation with Huawei. As for other cities in the smart city, we have initiated towards the city," said Gibran.

By cooperating with Huawei, Gibran admitted that he wanted to make Solo the city with the fastest internet access in Indonesia.

According to him, millennials are generally digital. He also received a lot of complaints from young people whose current trends do not want to work in offices.

"That's why I in Solo build many incubators to protect young people who like music, enjoy MSMEs, enjoy cosplay, all kinds of things. We will control it all," he said.

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