JAKARTA - The Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) will report Polda Metro Jaya investigators to Propam following the confiscation of Aiman Witjaksono's cellphone and Instagram account.

TPN Deputy for Law, Todung Mulya Lubis, assessed that the confiscation of cellphones, emails, SIM cards and Aiman Witjaksono's Instagram account by Polda Metro Jaya violated the rules because the person concerned was still a witness.

Therefore, TPN Ganjar-Mahfud will report Polda Metro Jaya to Propam, Kompolnas and Komnas HAM, and will file a pretrial at the South Jakarta District Court.

"We have agreed in the team to complain to Propam and will also submit it to Kompolnas then to the Ombudsman, Komnas HAM and in the near future will register with the South Jakarta District Court Pretrial." explained Todung at the TPN Media Center Ganjar-Mahfud, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday 30 January.

Meanwhile, Deputy Director of TPN Law Heru Muzaki said that TPN asked Propam to carry out examination procedures for investigators handling Aiman.

He said the confiscation was not in accordance with applicable procedures and laws, even though Heru said in the minutes regarding the confiscation permit, only cellphones.

"It should only be the cellphone, but then there were four confiscated cellphones, SIM cards, Instagram accounts, emails, well SIM cards, Instagram, this email was never listed but forced by the police," explained Heru.

Aiman Witjaksono also said that there had been a debate process at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters with investigators regarding the confiscation some time ago. Investigators, said Aiman, had repeatedly asked about the identity of the resource person.

"I declare that at any risk I will maintain my cellphone so that it is not given to investigators," added Aiman.

Because on Aiman's cellphone there are important sources in question to protect sources.

"Investigators seem to be from my statement who do not want to provide information on my sources and then confiscate them, until finally investigators issue a request for confiscation," explained Aiman.

Aiman also mentioned about the journalistic code of ethics regarding the right to refuse to protect sources, because he is still a journalist.

"At that time I was still a journalist, so I could still use the right to refuse not to give my resource personage to anyone except later requested by the Court," said Aiman.

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