Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Lt. Gen. Suharyanto, asked all components of policy makers in the East Java region to be aware of the peak of the rainy season in early 2024.

"Based on the prediction of rainfall in 2024 by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), East Java will be one of the areas with the peak of the rainy season in February," said Suharyanto in his statement, Monday, January 29.

He emphasized that these predictions must be taken seriously, in line with the incidence of wet hydrometeorological disasters, such as floods and landslides that have occurred in several areas in January 2024.

"The prediction from the BMKG stated that the peak of the rainy season in January 2024 was in West Java, then landslides occurred in Subang and floods in Dayeuhkolot," said Suharyanto.

"This prediction must be followed up with mitigation and regional preparedness steps," he added.

Apart from East Java, other areas with predictions of being hit by the peak of the rainy season in February 2024, include West Java, Central Java, Bangka Belitung Islands, West Nusa Tenggara and South Sulawesi.

For this reason, there are several mitigation steps that can be taken to minimize the impact of the threat of wet hydrometeorological disasters.

"First, plant vegetation and trim tree branches that are prone to fracture, then strengthen river embankments and slopes and clean drainage," he explained.

"Pay attention and organize settlements along riverbanks and develop a communication network as a community-based early warning system so that if there is a potential hazard, the information can be immediately known to local residents," he said.

Suharyanto also reminded that the determination of disaster-prone signs and evacuation routes as well as dredging river sediments is useful for restoring the water discharge capacity.

Finally, efforts through Weather Modification Technology (TMC) can also be made to reduce the intensity of rainfall that hit areas with the threat of floods and landslides. Although the prediction in February does not mean that our vigilance will decrease in the following months, always increase preparedness and vigilance because disasters can occur at any time," said Suharyanto.

For information, out of a total of 38 regencies/cities in East Java, 27 regencies/cities have declared emergency status for hydrometeorological disasters and three districts have declared emergency response status, namely Probolinggo Regency, Mojokerto Regency and Blitar Regency.

BNPB provides support in mitigation efforts and emergency handling of hydrometeorological disasters in East Java, namely the Ready-to-Use Fund Operational Assistance (DSP) for Provinces and all Regencies/Cities throughout East Java which has set an emergency and emergency response status for wet hydrometeorological disasters of Rp250 million each.

In addition, BNPB distributed logistical equipment support to the East Java Provincial Government in the form of 8 Katamarian Boats 3.2 meters, 13 sets of refugee tents, 33 sets of family tents, 45 units of generator 2 KVA, 1,900 sheets of blankets and mattresses and 110 units of velbeds.

"Do the initial stimulant with the assistance provided, prepare mitigation measures to minimize the impact of potential wet hydrometeorological disasters that can occur at any time," concluded Suharyanto.

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