The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) reminded the public about the potential threat of the eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki in East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), which is still level IV or Alert. "That's right, the potential threat is still there, lava deposits on the surface are still there and avalanches or hot clouds are still happening," said Head of the Emergency Response Team for the Eruption of Mount Lewotobi Male-Laki PVMBG Kushendratno at the Observation Post of Mount Lewotobi Laki, Wulanggitang, Antara, Sunday, January 28. The latest development of the volcano is still recording eruptions or eruptions, avalanches, hot clouds of avalanches, gusts, and hybrid earthquakes. In addition, volcanic earthquakes are also still being recorded which indicates that there is still a supply of magma to the surface. Also observed are lava deposits on the surface, but it is not certain to be a lava dome or just lava deposit. "Activities are still high. So we still maintain the status at the Alert level," he said. He stated that the recommendation for the community issued by PVMBG was not to carry out activities within a radius of five kilometers from the eruption center and sectoral six kilometers to the northeast. The public must also be aware of the potential for rain lava flooding in rivers that originate at the top of the mountain in the event of high-intensity rain.
"So, for this Alert status, the potential danger is still the same, we will wait for next week if there is another evaluation for the status of this mountain," he said.

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