BOGOR - Perumda Transport Pakuan (PTP) Bogor City has signed a cooperation agreement with PT Kalista Nusa Armada (Kalista).
The signing of this cooperation agreement is a follow-up to a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Bogor City Government (Pemkot), to conduct trials and evaluate the use of electric vehicles as a means of public transportation in Bogor City.
Head of the Bogor City Transportation Agency (Dishub) Marse Hendra Saputra said this MOU is a collaboration for the planning and development of electric-based vehicles, especially public transportation.
"Well, this was followed up with Perumda Trans Pakuan with PT Kalista for the development and planning of electricity transportation," said Marse Sunday, January 28.
According to him, this collaboration is an integral part of the energy conversion transition step being pursued by the Bogor City Government, towards using energy that is more environmentally friendly, especially in the context of public transportation.
Currently, his party is still discussing as well as evaluating the plan for routes or routes to be crossed by electricity-based angkots.
"Including charging in one month will be finalized after this signing," he said.
In addition to routes or routes that will be crossed, his party also determines the location of charging points, in this case, to coordinate further with PLN.
Marse explained that the plan for the presence of electricity-based angkots in Bogor City had actually been discussed since last year.
First, the reason for the presence of this listic angkot is due to the high amount of carbon emissions, so in the Transportation Regulation it has been stated that there is the use of vehicles with other energies.
"The goal is of course to reduce carbon emissions in Bogor City. That's why we will test the electricity angkot," he said.
When asked about operations, Marse admitted that he was still finalizing his study in the past month.
"Starting from the route or route, then charging includes operation. Hopefully in the near future the trial can be operationalized," he said.
"Later, the trial stages will be calculated on how many BOKs (vehicle operating costs), operations, including battery resilience," he continued.
For the initial stage, the Bogor City Government will try out five electricity angkots as well as to pave the way in Bogor City.
The target is one month or a month and a half have been tested. This trial is planned to be carried out for 6 months," said Marse.
On that occasion, the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, had tried to feel the electric angkot which would operate in Bogor City.
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