BANTEN - A resident's house of Jampang Bridge, Cimarga District, Lebak Regency, Banten, collapsed about 60 centimeters (cm) due to ground movement so it was feared that conditions would collapse. "We are very afraid if heavy rain accompanied by strong winds and lightning over the past few days, because they are worried about collapsing," said Mr. Suhanda (45), a resident of Jampang Bridge Rt01/09 Sidomanik Village, Cimarga District, Lebak Regency, Sunday, January 28, was confiscated by Antara. The condition of his collapsed house has been going on for three years, but until now he is still occupying it. In fact, his family wants to build a house in another location, but does not have money.Resident's house in his area that experienced subsidence to damage to the cracks of the walls also collapsed on average due to land movement. In fact, he said, the number of houses affected by ground movement was 73 units, but 41 houses have not yet received assistance from the local government. "We hope for assistance to rebuild houses in other locations that are safe from the natural disaster," said you. As well as other residents, Sana (55) said he was disappointed because his heavily damaged house did not receive the assistance of development funds from the local government. development from the local government. "In fact, he has yet to be relocated. We hope that the residents who have not received assistance are immediately relocated to another place," he said.

Sementara itu, Kepala Pelaksana Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Lebak Febby Rizky Pratama mengatakan pemerintah daerah hingga kini terus mengajukan pembangunan rumah hunian tetap bagi yang terdampak bencana pergerakan tanah di Kecamatan Cimarga dan Cikulur.Tercatat korban bencana pergerakan tanah di Kecamatan Cimarga sebanyak 51 KK dan di Cikulur 48 KK.Selain itu juga ada korban bencana banjir bandang di Kecamatan Lebak Gedong, Cipanas, Sajira dan Curugbitung pada awal 2020 yang berharap mendapat bantuan hunian tetap untuk 378 keluarga."Semua warga korban bencana alam itu ingin direlokasi ke tempat yang lebih aman," pungkasnya.

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