JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) conducted an open campaign at Kedoya Field, West Jakarta, Jakarta, in the midst of heavy rains.

PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep seemed to be raining too while attending the campaign.

In the grand campaign, Kaesang invited all PSI sympathizers and the people of West Jakarta to come to the polling station (TPS) on February 14 and vote for PSI candidates and presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

"I just want to leave it to you, ladies and gentlemen, later on February 14, 2024, don't forget to vote with Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran. Do you know how Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran's face is? Don't forget later PSI, the Indonesian Solidarity Party will also vote," said Kaesang.

The youngest brother of Gibran Rakabuming Raka also thanked the sympathizers who had been loyal to wait for his arrival despite the heavy rain.

In the grand campaign, Kaesang took off his hat, threw it at the sympathizers, and then became a fight for the sympathizers.

"Thank you, yes. I think it's all checked, yes. Inihtopi. I'm sorry I only have one (topy)," he said.

Kaesang then introduced PSI candidates for the West Jakarta election in the 2024 General Election.

"Here there are supporters of Grace Natalie, no? Here are the supporters of Cheryl Tanzil, no? Here are the supporters, Mas Hariyanto Arbi, no?" said Kaesang.

Kaesang also showed sympathizers about the simulation of voting ballots.

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