The University of Indonesia (UI) alumni calling ProUI Volunteers supports Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

"We, the PROUI, are here to state that the 17 Prabowo-Gibran programs are okay and there are basics, the deductive is the basis of the theory and it is indeed needed by the Republic of Indonesia," said PROUI Chairman Kun Nurachadijat in Kertanegara, South Jakarta, Friday, 26 January.

Nurachadijat emphasized that the vision and mission of the PROUI is to gather all strengths, elements of UI alumni spread throughout Indonesia.

In the discussion of ProUI Volunteers with the Deputy Board of Experts, TKN Budiman Sudjatmiko and the Executive Director of Indo Barometer M. Qodari, discussed the issue of Jokowi's impeachment and the importance of downstreaming.

"The issue of impeachment reflects the situation where it is impossible to defeat the presidential election, so the presidential election wants to be canceled with the issue of impeachment," said Nurachadijat.

Meanwhile, Budiman in the discussion said that the issue of impeachment of President Joko Widodo was a serious threat because it would disturb the peace of the country and threaten division.

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