SURABAYA - Kabaharkam Polri, Komjen Fadil Imran, led the Special Personnel Check Call and Materials for Mass Control (Almatsus Dalmas) at the East Java Police Headquarters. After the apple, Fadil stated that the situation and conditions of the East Java region were safe ahead of the February 14, 2024 elections.

"East Java is safe. It's safe for East Java. Indeed, there are signs of East Java, not safe? East Java is safe," said Fadil, Thursday, January 25.

Fadil also ensured that various efforts were made to ensure that East Java's condition was safe during the presidential and legislative elections which would be held in 20 days.

"Yes, we are trying to maintain a situation like this (safe). But if there is an increase in escalation, we are ready. Moreover, the Kapolda is Pak Imam. The Pangdam is Pak Rafael. Yes, you know. Then other elements, are ready to secure East Java," he said.

In securing the election, the East Java Police deployed around 23,000 personnel from various joint elements from the TNI and ASN. Through the Security Apple, his party wants to carry out supervision to strengthen the function of Sabhara, starting from animals, and safeguarding vital objects.

"Today the peak is with the Ceremony of the Sabhara Troops Readiness at the core stage of the vote. We hope that everything is ready, ready for troops, ready for equipment, ready for operation, and of course the community's readiness is being carried out properly," he said.

With the efforts prepared, Kabaharkam hopes to create a cool, peaceful, peaceful situation from the campaign stage, elections to the closing of the vote count.

"We hope that and discuss with the Kapolda, and matters regarding models like this, 1 month before day H will also be held at the Polres Police. Of course, not only the police themselves, but also cross-sectorally we carry out synergies, so that this area becomes safe," he concluded.

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