SUKABUMI - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that dozens of residents of Sekarwangi Village, Cibadak District, Sukabumi Regency, lost their homes due to landslides hoarding their homes on Wednesday, January 24.

"From the results of the data collection, we carried out the number of residents affected by the landslide disaster in RT 001/011, Sekarwangi Village, Cibadak District, as many as 15 families (KK) or 51 people," said Public Relations BPBD Sukabumi Regency Sandra Fitria in Sukabumi, Wednesday, January 24, quoted by Antara.

According to him, the assessment carried out by the Cibadak Subdistrict Disaster Management Officer (P2BK), the number of houses affected by landslides was 12 units, all of which were categorized as heavily damaged.

Residents who have lost their homes temporarily fled to their safer relatives. In this incident there were no injuries or fatalities, because before the incident, residents saw signs of landslides and saving themselves or leaving their homes.

Until now, dozens of joint personnel from various agencies, such as the TNI, Polri, BPBD and PMI Sukabumi Regency along with other government elements assisted by volunteers from various communities are still at the location to help survivors evacuate items that can still be used.

"The value of the losses suffered by residents affected by the landslide is still being collected, but the losses are estimated at hundreds of millions of rupiah," he continued.

Sandra said that apart from dozens of houses being heavily damaged by landslides, two public and social facilities were also heavily damaged by landslides. Emergency assistance for survivors has begun to be distributed to ease the burden on the victims.

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