GORONTALO - The legal team of five suspects in the death of a new student at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo with the initials HS when attending the raid revealed new findings.

"One of them is the involvement of the deceased HS's brother, who is suspected of falsifying parents' signatures on the permit," said the attorney for five suspects named Yusuf Sadu in Gorontalo, Tuesday, January 3, confiscated by Antara.

He said this finding came from two witnesses, namely IAIN students who heard directly information from the deceased's brother, who expressed regret for giving permission to his siblings to participate in training or treatment activities.

In every stunting activity, he said, new students are required to have permission from their parents, and if they are not allowed, the organizing committee will not allow these students to participate in activities.

According to information from witnesses, he said, the permit was allegedly only signed by the victim's older brother, therefore his party hopes that police investigators can summon the victim's brother and parents for questioning regarding the permit.

Another finding is that the organizing committee has acted or made efforts to handle the late HS, who at that time still insisted on participating in activities even though his condition was sick.

During the activity, he continued, it was not only HS who was sick, but there were other new students.

However, the location of the implementation of the activity is quite far from health service facilities, coupled with heavy terrain, making it difficult for the evacuation process.

"A new fact, even though he was told to rest, the deceased himself stated that he was healthy and continued to participate in activities. When the deceased fell ill, the committee also tried their best to evacuate," he said.

He said this should not be appropriate if it was said to be negligent as alleged in the five suspects. However, his party appreciates the police investigation process.

"Regarding the activity permit, the committee has carried out it. The permit process was submitted to the local village head, the Sector Police and the Suwawa Koramil. So this activity has a permit," he said.

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