JAKARTA - The Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) has sued the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) regarding the absence of former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej or Eddy Hiariej to the South Jakarta District Court.

MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman said this step was taken to urge the KPK to immediately detain Eddy Hiariej, who has been a suspect in the alleged bribery and gratification case.

"This pretrial lawsuit is in the context of 'forcing' the KPK to act fairly, namely detaining the suspect Edy Hariej," Boyamin said in his statement, Tuesday, January 23.

The detention of Eddy Hiariej must be carried out immediately. This is because the KPK has detained Helmut Hermawan, who is also a suspect in giving bribes.

Another reason the KPK must immediately make arrests is the criminal threat against bribe recipients who are state officials over five years.

"Based on Articles 5, 6, 11, and 12 of Law number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption, in the bribery case the threat of punishment for unscrupulous bribe recipient officials is threatened with a higher prison sentence than the bribe giver, it can even be a maximum of 20 years," said Boyamin.

"Meanwhile, the bribe giver is a maximum of 5 years so that from the threat of punishment, the heavy point should be on the person receiving the bribe, so if the giver is detained, the recipient should be detained," he continued.

Even though when Edy Hariej conducted a pretrial regarding the illegal determination of the suspect at the South Jakarta District Court, Boyamin said, the KPK could still make arrests. This is because there has been no decision regarding the lawsuit.

"Because the lawsuit filed by Edy Hariej has not been decided by the South Jakarta District Court," said Boyamin.

Meanwhile, the pretrial lawsuit filed by MAKI is registered with case number 14/Pid.Prap/2024/PN.JKT.SEL.


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Eddy was named a suspect in receiving bribes. He is suspected of receiving up to Rp8 billion in money which was divided several times for a number of purposes involving the boss of PT CLM, Helmut Hermawan.

Eddy's first acceptance was made after he agreed to consult the general legal administration of the PT CLM ownership dispute. At that time Helmut gave Rp4 billion.

Then, he also received Rp3 billion to stop the legal process involving Helmut at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit through the issuance of a letter of termination of investigation (SP3).

Finally, Eddy is suspected of using his power as Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights to unblock PT CLM in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights' Legal Entity Administration System (SABH). He then received Rp1 billion which was used to run for Chairman of the Central Management of the Indonesian Tennis Association (PP Pelti).

The KPK suspects that Eddy made this acceptance through two people as representatives of himself. They are lawyers named Yosi Andika Mulyadi and Yogi Arie Rukmana who are his personal assistants who are also suspects in this case.

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