The demonstration of hundreds of coal drivers that led to the destruction of the Jambi Governor's office was reported to the police. The Jambi Provincial Government (Pemprov) reported the report.

"Today we have reported to the Jambi Regional Police for the damage to the governor's office, which is estimated at hundreds of millions of rupiah," said Head of the General Bureau of the Jambi Provincial Secretariat Muzakir who reported the incident to the Jambi Regional Police, Monday, January 22, as reported by Antara.

In its report, the riot took place at 13.30 WIB. The demonstrators damaged the inventory belonging to the Jambi Provincial Government.

As a result of the demonstration coordinated by the Jambi Coal Driver Community (KS-BARA), damage occurred to the main glass of the Jambi Governor's Office building as many as 137 copies, 500 watts of firelight as many as 30 units, 25 ornamental lights and five large hanging lights, 14 air conditioning units, four service cars were damaged.

From the damage to the inventory items above, the loss is estimated at hundreds of millions of rupiah.

Demonstrations of hundreds of coal drivers who initially went peacefully finally rioted, the demonstrators threw stones and other hard objects at the Jambi Governor's office and destroyed the local park lights because demands were not approved by the provincial government.

Gubernur Jambi akui tidak ada masalah dengan para pendriver batu bara tetapi saya minta tanggung jawab para pengusaha batu bara untuk memenuhi janjinya buat jalan khusus batu bara.

"Yesterday I met Semen Padang to sell Jambi coal there for the Tebo and Bungo regencies," said Al Haris.

However, until now, coal drivers are still staying at the Jambi Governor's office to fight for their demands to ask the Jambi Provincial Government to allow them to operate again.

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