JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan expressed his gratitude for the receding floods due to extreme weather in a number of Jakarta areas.

The floods hit the capital on Saturday, February 20 and receded on the evening of Sunday, February 21. Then, on Monday, February 22 morning, social, economic, and government activities could return to normal.

"Alhamdulillah, with Allah's permission, this collective effort can quickly restore conditions in the capital, return Jakarta to its original activities," Anies said in a Youtube broadcast by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Tuesday, February 23.

Anies thanked the 16 thousand ranks of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government who worked incessantly. They put all their strength into controlling 644 floodgates, deploying 1,013 pumps, including 228 fire trucks, and 100 plant watering trucks.

"Also appreciation to all food aid, health and social assistance officers who go directly to the affected residents," said Anies.

Anies also expressed his gratitude for the assistance to the ranks of the TNI and Polri who worked directly in the field to save Jakarta residents who were affected by the floods.

Also, Anies's gratitude is also addressed to PMI, social institutions, amil zakat, community organizations, professional organizations, religious organizations, volunteers, individuals, families, and organizations that directly help provide assistance.

"Handling the impact of rainfall is a collective work that is seriously planned, simulated in the field before the rainy season arrives. Then it is carried out jointly by all elements," he explained.

Furthermore, Anies asked all parties to be alert to potential extreme weather in the next few days.

"We must continue to pay attention to warnings from the BMKG regarding the weather forecast in the days and weeks ahead. Finally, we pray God willing, Jakarta can be kept away from disasters," he concluded.

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