JAKARTA - The policy of the South Sulawesi Education Office to open several schools to continue the education system face-to-face was rejected by the Makassar Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI).

The chairman of IDI Makassar, Dr. Siswanto Wahab, said that a face-to-face school system was not possible to be implemented when the transmission chart was not sloping.

"Why do we reject the policy issued by the government is because we look at the data. Our data is updated every day and that is what we are referring to for now," said Siswanto in Makassar, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 23.

Based on data, the transmission rate or positive rate in South Sulawesi is 38.16 percent. Of the 10 people who had a PCR swab test, four were positive.

Doctor Siswanto said that the transmission rate above five percent was considered very high and did not comply with the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO), which is five percent.

He stated that the number of COVID-19 in South Sulawesi is still in the rank of 5-7 which is considered quite high and Makassar City is the epicenter of its transmission.

"On that basis IDI Makassar rejects face-to-face policies, either gradually or all at once. It should be remembered that there are three important points to pay attention to the future of children, namely the right of children to live, the rights of healthy children and the right of children to get education," said the dermatologist. .

Then, educators in Indonesia, especially in South Sulawesi, have not yet entered the list of vaccine recipients, let alone students, so the policy to open face-to-face schools is too fast.

"Even teachers have not been vaccinated, let alone students. Who wants to be responsible if children get COVID19, children can be exposed at school, they can get it when they go to or come home to school after that they bring the virus to their families, the impact of the school cluster occurs and increases again. family cluster, "he explained.

Previously, the Head of the South Sulawesi Education Office (Disdik) Muhammad Jufri was considering the gradual opening of face-to-face schools. This face-to-face school opening is specifically for SMA / SMK class XII students who will carry out their final exams.

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