Recorded By CCTV, Pedestrian Employees Snatched In Matraman, East Jakarta
Capture CCTV footage

JAKARTA - An employee was targeted by a mugging victim while walking on Jalan Multi Karya, Utan Kayu, Matraman District, East Jakarta. The victim's bag containing valuables was confiscated by the perpetrator.

Based on Gianto's statement, residents around the scene of the incident, the action was caught on CCTV cameras around the location.

"From the CCTV footage, the victim was seen walking alone. Suddenly the perpetrator came, riding a motorcycle type of duck," Gianto told reporters, Friday, January 19.

Allegedly, the victim had been stalked by the perpetrator before the mugging took place.

"It is possible that the perpetrators have been pacing and looking for the mothers. Previously, the road actors used to pass by mothers, and then rotated again so that the mothers were on the left side of the road," he said.









Then the perpetrators quickly grabbed the victim's bag and fled. Residents hope that the incident will not happen again.

"If possible, don't repeat it again. The police must be routine for patrols, it's quiet here, especially during working hours. The victims of residents here are different from RT," he said.

The victim will report the incident that happened to him to the Matraman Police in the near future.

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