BANTEN - Health Surveillance UPTD Puskesmas Warunggunung, Lebak Regency, Banten stated that currently there were no new cases of elephant leg disease or filariasis in the area and the previous cases did not spread to other residents. "We are now routinely providing treatment for one family with elephant feet in this area," Health Survey of UPTD Health at the Warunggunung Puskesmas, Lebak Regency, Ma'ruf in Lebak, Wednesday, January 17, was confiscated by Antara. One family in Lebak who tested positive for elephant leg disease was Sunaiyah (57) and its four children, namely Fahfuroji, Suprianti, Rohaeti, and Zulkipli.

The elephant leg sufferer lives in Pasir Gadung Sabrang Village, Jagabaya Village, Warunggunung District, Lebak Regency. The elephant leg case experienced by one family has attracted attention and monitoring so as not to spread to other people. In addition, they are also given routine and free medicine so that they can continue their activities to the fields and gardens or fields. "We together with the medical team continue to monitor and treat others so as not to infect other residents," said Maja, Warunggunung, Lebak Gedong, and Cipanas. "We have not yet found cases of elephant legs sufferers," he said.

Menurut dia, meski belum ditemukan kasus baru penyakit kaki gajah, masyarakat harus mewaspadai dan mencegah penyakit menular tersebut.

Prevention of the disease, among others, by cultivating clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS). In addition, a healthy and clean environment. so as not to cause various infectious diseases. Diseases of elephant feet are not deadly, but sufferers can experience permanent defects in one part of their limbs. In addition, the productivity of patients will be low, and ultimately the quality of human resources in Lebak Regency will decrease. "We continue to do socialization, as well as monitoring and monitoring in the endemic area of the elephant's legs, although no new cases were found," he said.

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