JAKARTA - Presidential candidate pair Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN) promised to provide IDR 10 million in cash for teachers who have retired if AMIN wins the 2024 presidential election.

"We want to give or show that we give high respect to educators," said Spokesperson for the Anies-Muhaimin Winning Team (AMINAn National Team) Indra Charismiadji, Tuesday, January 16.

The pension funds were taken from the State Budget or the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget.

The policy, said the Expert Council of the AMIN National Team, Fahrus Zaman Fadhly, could be realized after the inauguration of the H+1 president.

"President of the Republic of Indonesia Anies Baswedan in 2024, after being launched for those who were sworn in on October 20, some who retired immediately received a bonus of Rp. 10 million," said Fahrus.

Fahrus said the disbursement of the funds would be carried out in stages because of the need for data on how many teachers retired.

"We don't really have the right data on how many will retire in 2024, because it was very difficult for each region to ask for, but our commitment to go there, that's the point," he said.

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