Presidential candidate number 03 Ganjar Pranowo said that the departure of Maruarar Sirait from PDIP was not an effort to frame PDIP votes for him in the 2024 presidential election.

"Oh no, yes," said Ganjar Pranowo while attending the TPC (Branch Winning Team) meeting, coalition party candidates, and Batang volunteers at the PDIP Branch Leadership Council (DPC) Office, Batang Regency, Central Java, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 16.

His party has also suspected that Maruarar Sirait will support the camp supported by President Joko Widodo.

"If Ara (Maruarar Sirait) is indeed close to Pak Jokowi. If I suspect they may support Pak Jokowi's group, because during yesterday's debate, his son was already wearing his clothes and in the next group," said Ganjar Pranowo.

He also did not question the exit of Maruarar Sirait from the party bearing the white-nosed bull.

"So for me it's okay. It's politics, it's normal," he said.

Previously, on Monday (15/1), Maruarar Sirait decided to leave the PDI-P after decades of being a party cadre bearing the white-nosed bull.

Maruarar Sirait also thanked the Chairperson of the PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri, Hasto Kristiyanto, and other party elites during his joining the party.

"I thank Mrs. Mega (General Chair of Megawati Soekarnoputri), Pak Hasto, and the party ranks for allowing me to serve through the PDI-P," said Maruarar at the PDI-P DPP Office, Jakarta.

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