JAKARTA - Celebrity Fransiska Candra Novita Sari alias Siskaeee was absent during an examination as a suspect in the production house of the exciting film. Therefore, investigators re-scheduled the collection of information against him on Friday, January 19.

"Investigators have again made and sent a summons for the second suspect for suspect S (Siskaeee), who is a female talent for the schedule for the examination of the suspect on Friday, January 19, 2024," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak to reporters, Tuesday, January 16.

On the reschedule, Siskaeee will be questioned at the Cyber Sub-Directorate of the Special Crimes Directorate of the Polda Metro Jaya at around 09.00 WIB. However, the certainty of his presence so far has not been confirmed.

Including the reason Siskaeee's absence from the previous examination. Ade only mentioned that the absence of the celebgram on January 15, yesterday was one of the reasons investigators sent a second summons.

"It can't be confirmed yet, so investigators decided to make and send back the second summons to the suspect," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the possibility of Siskaeee not attending the examination again, Ade did not want to speculate. It is only conveyed when it happens that investigators will issue a warrant to bring it during the third summons.

"It is clear the rules of the game, when later the second summons do not fulfill the investigator's summons, then we will do it and issue a letter to bring us a letter to bring the suspect," he said.

"Until later, it is related to the forced arrest that we make if the suspect is not cooperative in providing information to investigators regarding the handling of the a quo case," continued Ade.

Siskaeee is one of 11 talents named as suspects. The determination was based on the results of the case title and sufficient evidence.

Meanwhile, the talents named as suspects were Anisa Tasya Amelia alias Melly 3GP or ATA alias M; Virly Virginia or VV; Putri Lestari alias Jessica or PPL; NL alias Caca Novita or CN, Zafira Sun or ZS; Arella Bellus or ALP alias AB; MS; and SNA.

Then, the other two were male actors, namely Fatra Ardianata and Bima Prawira.

In this case, Siskaeee and other suspects were charged with Article 8 in conjunction with Article 34 of Law Number 44 of 2008 concerning pornography.

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