JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the KPK, Firli Bahuri, is scheduled to undergo an examination as a suspect in the alleged extortion or gratuity case against former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, on January 19. The examination is in order to complete the case file. "The summons to the suspect FB for the examination schedule on Friday, January 19, 2024," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak to reporters, Tuesday, January 16. The examination of Firli Bahuri will be carried out at the Directorate of Corruption Crimes at Bareskrim Polri at 09.00 WIB. The summons for examination, said Ade, had been sent and received by Firli Bahuri. "For additional information and this as part of the fulfillment of P19 instructions from the jpu at the DKI Jakarta Attorney General's Office," said Ade. Originally, investigators had transferred Firli Bahuri's case file on December 15. However, the results of the examination by the investigating prosecutor stated that there were still shortcomings. So, the case file was returned and received by investigators on December 28. Meanwhile, Firli Bahuri has been examined 5 times during the process of handling cases of alleged extortion or gratification against Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

Two of them were when Firli Bahuri was still a witness, precisely on October 26 and November 16. For the remaining examination, when the former chairman of the KPK was a suspect. Firli Bahuri was asked for the exact information on December 1, December 6, and December 27.

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