JAYAPURA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) of the Republic of Indonesia Papua Representative opened an election complaint post for people in the area who felt neglected and violated their human rights related to elections. Head of the Papua National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Frits Ramandey, said that the human rights situation towards the February 14, 2024 election became the concern of Komnas HAM so that his party had determined strategic programs for the progress of human rights in six provinces in Papua such as election supervision. "So that the complaint posts opened to monitor the implementation of elections because it has the potential for conflict in the selection of members of the legislature must also be monitored between indigenous Papuans and non-Papuans after the selection of legislative members.

He added that the readiness of the 2024 election organizers in Papua is very important to monitor both stages, elections and post-elections. "We hope that all people in the Land of Papua will jointly succeed in peaceful elections," he said.

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