JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (Kejaksaan Agung) is still investigating the assets of suspected corruption in the management of finance and investment funds by PT Asabri. Currently, investigators are investigating information on assets located in Kalimantan.

"Everything is still being traced, now my friends are in Kalimantan, I have any information that we will continue to do it. We need to check the truth", said Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes Ali Mukartono when confirmed, Tuesday, February 23.

However, Ali did not want to convey further about these assets. He emphasized that all assets related to the alleged corruption of PT Asabri were recorded and traced.

Then, regarding the progress of the investigation process, Ali said that the team handling the case was still taking inventory of evidence.

"I heard that the Director of Investigation meeting on the 6th floor investigated the confiscated evidence", he said.

For information, in the Asabri corruption case, the AGO has named nine suspects. Two former CEOs of PT. Asabri was named the suspect, namely Major General (Purn) Adam Rachmat Damiri and Sonny Widjaja.

Meanwhile, for the other six suspects, namely, BE as the former finance director of PT. Asabri; HS as Director of PT. Asabri; IWS as the Head of Investment Division of PT. Asabri; LP Managing Director of PT. Prima Network; BT and HH.

Finally, the AGO appointed Jimmy Sutopo (JS) as the Director of PT Jakarta Emiten Investor Relations as a suspect.

Jimmy Sutopo is a private party involved in criminal acts of corruption. The determination of the suspect against him was based on order number print 09/f.2/fd.2/02/2021 dated February 15, 2021.

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