Case Of Obscene Shaman Rape Elementary School Boy In Karawang In Investigation, Evidence Collected
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The 13-year-old elementary school student (SD) in Karawang is suspected of being a victim of rape by an obscene shaman. Unfortunately, the case, which was reported in December 2023, has not received good treatment from the local police.

"(The perpetrator) is a shaman who rapes this child, can people do that? The age of the 34-year-old perpetrator," said social activist Pratiwi Novianthi to VOI, Monday, January 15.

According to the information gathered, until now the perpetrators are still on the loose even though a number of evidences and witnesses have been collected by investigators from the PPA Unit of the Karawang Police.

"The evidence submitted to the Karawang Police was bleeding underwear (owned by the victim), the positive post-mortem results were torn (in the victim's vital organs) and other evidence," said Novi, his nickname.

Didua kuat, pelaku pemerkosaan adalah paman korban. Uncle korban dikenalkan warga sekitar sebagai dukungan, dan tinggal di lokasi yang sama dengan korban.

"The victim is 13 years old, has just graduated from elementary school," he said.

The victim's condition was still severely traumatized by the rape incident committed by her uncle. The victim is still recovering from the trauma she experienced.

Karawang Police Chief AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono said his party was aware of the report.

"The case is still under investigation," he briefly told VOI.

AKBP Wirdhanto explained that the rape case had been handled by the Women and Children Service Unit (PPA Karawang Police).

Previously, it was reported that a 13-year-old girl with the initials AA became a victim of sexual abuse by the perpetrator with the initials AN. Sadly, the victim AA was molested by perpetrator AN at the house of the victim's grandfather who was in Randu II Hamlet, Randumulya, Pedes, Karawang Regency, West Java.

Based on a police report received by VOI, the victim reported the case to the Karawang Police Headquarters last Wednesday, December 13, 2023.

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