MAKASSAR - A teenager almost drowned on Barombong Beach, Makassar. Luckily, this teenager was rescued by two men.

Bhabinkamtibmas Barombong Aiptu Arman said this incident occurred on Sunday, February 21 evening on the coast of Barombong, Tamalate District, Makassar.

The victim was reprimanded by the marine guard but still insisted on swimming.

“The boy came there with his swimming theme, but before that, the child was warned where the guard was, he said he used to swim. He swam with his theme, "said

Aiptu Arman said that the two of them were lucky because they were rescued by two people studying Barombong Shipping Polytechnic at Barombong Natural Bath Street. At that time, these two young men were indeed at the location.

"It's big waves, can't swim yet, there are a lot of people there, it's just that other people said they didn't dare. Then he jumped, went down with his friends," he said.

This teen rescue video went viral on social media. The two men who saved it broke through the high waves on Barombong beach.

Finally, the teenager who almost died from drowning was saved. Photos of the two rescuers resting on the beach were also shared. Many appreciated the courage of the two of them to save teenagers.

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