JAKARTA - The British government through British Embbassy and UK International Development collaborated with local Empowered NGOs to hold a Digital Access Program in seven cities in Eastern Indonesia (KTI).

"This program aims to support digital and financial inclusion for women, youth, and people with disabilities," said Berdaya Bareng Founder, Nicky Clara, during the Iklusive Digital and Financial Festival in Makassar, Saturday, quoted by Antara.

He said this activity was an inagulation of the inclusion training program for four to six months with 792 participants from seven cities in KTI.

The seven learning locations are Samarinda, Balikpapan, Manado, Kendari, Makassar, Maros and Gowa. The last three locations are in South Sulawesi.

According to Nicky, this joint program with the British Embassy in Jakarta is the second round of inclusive digital and financial literacy training from June to December 2023.

While the closure of the program which was held today in Makassar, the committee presented various activities such as the public launch of the Learning Management System (LMS) equivalent to empowerment.com, exhibitions of MSME products, empowerment talk shows from youth and inspirational women, information sharing sessions about the Revenue Scholarship to the UK.

Meanwhile, the UK Embassy's Program Manager and Digital Access Policy in Jakarta, Rita Darmayanti, said the UK Government's Digital Access Program aims to increase public access to digital technology and financial services.

This program also provides opportunities for women, youth, and people with disabilities to obtain the digital and financial literacy skills needed in the current digital era. Through collaboration with Berdaya Bareng local partners, the program can be implemented more effectively in Eastern Indonesia.

The program closing event is an event to showcase the results of inclusive digital and financial literacy training that has been carried out for six months. Program participants can showcase their final tasks regarding digital literacy and digital marketing.

In addition, the event also provides information about the Chevening Scholarship which can help Indonesians improve their knowledge and skills in the field of digital technology and financial services.

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