Sebanyang 19 General retired TNI and Polri memberi dukungan kepada Ganjar Pranowo dalam menghadapi kontestasi pilpres 2024. Dukungan dan tambahan kekuatan juga diberikan tensar ribu pensiunan aparatur negara, mereka menyatakan dukungannya dan siap memenangkan Ganjar-Mahfud di pilpres 2024.

The support was officially given by retired generals and retired state apparatus in an event entitled "Dialogue and Prayer with Presidential Candidates with Retired State Apparatus" which was held at the DBL Arena, Surabaya, Saturday (13/1/2024).

Present at the event were former National Police Chief General (Ret.) Surojo Bimantoro, Marshal TNI (Ret.) Agus Supriatna, Komjen Pol (Ret.) Gatot Edi Pramono, Inspector General Pol (Ret.) Ansyaad Mbai, Komjen Pol (Ret.) Drs. Gregorius Gories Mere, Komjen Pol (Ret.) Anang Iskandar, Vice Admiral TNI (Ret.) Agus Setiadji, Komjen Pol (Ret.) Luki Hermawan and dozens of other generals.

As a form of support, Ganjar received the command stick given by the former National Police Chief General (Ret.) Surojo Bimantoro. The command stick is a symbol of trust to lead the community. The screams of Ganjar Presiden and the song 'Terpesona' echoed in the building containing tens of thousands of people.

"I was surprised by the charm, looking at Ganjar-Mahfud's face. Ganjar President! The son of the police must support the police child," shouted the generals and tens of thousands of people present at the event.

On that occasion, Ganjar expressed his gratitude for the support given by the generals and retired state apparatus to him. This support increased his energy to win the 2024 presidential election contestation.

"This support is an extraordinary energy that makes us even more optimistic about fighting in the 2024 presidential election until February 14," he said.

The support of the generals and retired officials of this country, Ganjar continued, is also important to ward off the pressure that his party receives from political opponents. With the support of the general beside him, Ganjar invites all people not to be afraid to fight if they are under pressure.

"Of course this support is to ward off the pressure that occurs. He has experience in their respective fields and they know how to anticipate every pressure. So, if someone suppresses it, we will fight it in the right way," he concluded.

Former National Police Chief, General Surojo Bimantoro said he was determined to support Ganjar because he was sure Ganjar would bring Indonesia better. In addition, Ganjar is also the son of a police officer.

"So I certainly support it, hopefully it will become president and bring Indonesia to be better. We are with Pak Ganjar," he said.

The same thing was conveyed by Vice Admiral Teni (Ret.) Agus Setiadji. The former Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense in the Prabowo Subianto era was determined to support Ganjar because he considered Ganjar to be the best for Indonesia.

"I am comfortable with Ganjar-Mahfud, and I think Ganjar-Mahfud is the best complete package compared to other candidates," said Agus.

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