PASURUAN - Candidate for vice president (cawapres) number 3 Mahfud MD said there were allegations of corruption in the North Natuna Sea or the South China Sea because it was not managed properly.
"North, the South China Sea or North Natuna, our sea is always entered by foreign ships and sometimes we just remain silent because there are games, corruption," said Mahfud at Darut Tauhid Canga'an Bangil Islamic Boarding School, Pasuruan Regency, East Java, Friday, January 12.
Mahfud later recounted that he had arrested two foreign vessels from Iran that illegally smuggled fuel oil (BBM) and sold them in the middle of the North Natuna Sea.
"Then there are officials who say, 'It's okay, Indonesian law cannot apply, Kyoto protocol applies, it is returned and then fined Rp. 1 billion'. I can't say, arrest, punished," he said as quoted by ANTARA.
Mahfud also said that he had sent more than a hundred ships from Central Java to the North Natuna Sea to get subsidized fuel. However, the hundreds of ships did not receive subsidized fuel upon arrival.
"Brother, my ship has arrived there (North Natuna Sea), it doesn't get it, it doesn't get subsidized oil. It was stolen by the authorities, sold in the middle of the road. Now, this is sold in the middle of the sea, entrusted to a gas station, 'please sell it'," he said.
Therefore, Mahfud continued, a hundred ships he sent asked to return to Central Java.
"So ships from Central Java, 'Ask to go home, sir, we can't buy subsidized oil. We are even losing here'. Now this is because of corruption," said Mahfud.
Mahfud then explained that the smuggling of illegal fuel made the truck carrying goods between provinces from Sumatra to Java stuck due to the absence of subsidized fuel, causing delays.
"After checking wherever the subsidy oil is, no one can get it. Who is it? Those are the officers who are in the middle of the road working with local mafias," said Mahfud.
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