MALUKU - Yos Sudarso Port Area Police (KPYS) on Ambon Island handed over files of two suspects suspected of smuggling long-barreled firearms (senpi) to the Ambon District Attorney's Office (Kejari).

The two suspects had the initials JL alias Jery (52), a resident of Kampung Nusantara Kimi, Nabire Regency, Central Papua Province, and FL alias Edy (42), a resident of Kokroman Village, Teon District, Nila, Sarua (TNS), Central Maluku Regency.

"The second phase of the transfer of files was carried out by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the KPYS Police, Aiptu Haris Manuputty, along with two personnel received by the Ambon Public Prosecutor's Office, Donald Rettob," said KPYS Ambon Police Chief AKP Julkisno Kaisupy in Ambon, Maluku, Friday, January 12, confiscated by Antara.

The evidence in this case that was transferred to the Ambon Kejari was in the form of three black-barreled homemade rifles.

In detail, two folding popor weapons are made of ready-to-use iron without a magazine, and one long-barreled homemade rifle is made of ready-to-use wood.

In addition, there are 58 rounds of sharp Ss1 type ammunition made by 5.56 millimeter caliber Pindad and four homemade firearms buffers.

According to AKP Julkisno, all of this evidence of senpi and ammunition belonged to the suspect Jery.

Meanwhile, the evidence of the suspect Edy in the form of IDR 300 thousand in cash in three pieces of IDR 100,000 denominations and a black mobile phone.

The suspects are suspected of committing a crime without the right to enter into Indonesia, making, trying to hand over, controlling, carrying, having supplies to them or having in theirs, storing, transporting, hiding firearms, ammunition or explosives.

The actions of the defendants as referred to in Article 1 Paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 Juncto Article 55 of the Criminal Code and or Article 56 of the Criminal Code.

The disclosure of this case was when the suspect Jery was about to smuggle three homemade rifles and ammunition outside the area through Yos Sudarso Ambon Port to Papua on November 17, 2023.

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