West Bangka Police, Bangka Belitung Islands, curbed tin ore wild mining activities in the Bendul river basin, Mentok District. "We control the operation of tin ore mining because the mining actors do not have a permit from the authorities, and it is feared that it will disrupt the preservation of the river and coastal flow at that location," said Head of the West Bangka Police Polairud Unit Iptu Yudi Lasmono in Mentok, Antara, Friday, January 12. The control at the Bendul watershed which borders the Selindung coast, Airputih in Mentok District was carried out by the police together with elements of Kodim 0431 Babar, the Mentok Navy Post and officers of the West Bangka Regency Government Civil Service Police Unit. "We conducted a sweep at that location, and stopped illegal mining activities using pontoons of production smoking," he said. A number of mining equipment and production suction pontoons were found and then pulled by officers as evidence. The action was carried out by a joint team after previously personnel had repeatedly appealed to the public and miners not to carry out illegal mining activities in the Bendul watershed. "Even though we have been advised repeatedly, none of the mine owners have moved the suction pontoon, so we carry out control and prosecution," he said. In the control, officers confiscated two units of pontoon suction production, while the pontoons that were still parked in the mouth of the river could not be withdrawn because the water conditions were receding.
"We hope that this effort can prevent illegal mining activities at that location. We have secured evidence at the West Bangka Police Polairud Unit Post for further investigation," he said.

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