JAKARTA - The Minister for National Development Planning (PPN/Bappenas), Suharso Monoarfa, projects that Indonesia can achieve communal immunity or herd immunity by March next year since the first injection of the COVID-19 vaccine was carried out in January 2021.

"Hopefully, if nothing gets in the way for the next 15 months, we count, Indonesia will achieve herd immunity in March next year. God willing, hopefully, we can succeed", he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, February 22.

Suharso said that the projection was based on careful calculations made by Bappenas. One of them is by calculating the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine itself.

"At least based on the number of vaccines that have been confirmed, there are around 428 million. The confirmed vaccines are to be injected into 180 million Indonesians who are over 18 years of age", he explained.

Then, Suharso explained, Bappenas also worked together with several experts consisting of epidemiologists, immunologists, and other stakeholders. According to him, this collaboration is intended to accelerate the process of vaccination in various parts of Indonesia.

"We want to catch at least 40 percent of the 182 million injections being vaccinated more quickly. Based on the number of vaccines, we will achieve this in September. But hopefully, we can be faster than that", he explained.

Not only that said Suharso, Bappenas is also actively encouraging the public to continue to prioritize health protocols in carrying out activities. This is intended to strengthen the benefits of vaccination in breaking the chain of the spread of COVID-19.

"We can hammer or beat him (COVID-19) so that the rate of increase in cases (positive) will decrease. But still, uphold the discipline of health protocols. We still have to keep our distance, wear masks, wash hands, avoid crowds. and if there is no need for such mobility to be lowered", he said.

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