JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate Muhaimin Iskandar (Gus Imin) promised to revise the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law (UU Ciptaker) for joint interests if elected in the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections (Pilpres).

Gus Imin said this because he often received complaints about poor industrial relations between the company and workers who stated that they did not get the appropriate wages.

"In this case, we will revise the Omnibus Law for the common good. Of course it is in accordance with its needs," said Gus Imin as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 11.

In the formation of the Ciptaker Law, Gus Imin considered that he did not represent the interests of workers/workers, so it was necessary to revise it by sitting together equally between policy makers, companies, and workers/workers.

Muhaimin said that his party would revise the Ciptaker Law by prioritizing guarantees of welfare and fulfillment of the rights of workers who were still marginal.

"Regarding the work contract and future certainty of workers' normative rights and several other issues that can actually be overcome with revisions as well as improvements to the regulations in it, both the presidential and other regulations," said Gus Imin.

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