JAKARTA A series of explosions occurred in the middle of a fire on Jalan Dr Saharjo No.90, Menteng Atas, Setiabudi, South Jakarta.

Residents around the location and road users were pulled over, they were worried that a very large fire would spread to a number of buildings. Moreover, at the scene, several explosions were heard.

According to information obtained, the explosion came from a number of gas cylinders at the location of the fire. However, firefighters have not been able to confirm it because they are still extinguishing it until now.

South Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-dept. picket officer Slamet admitted that he received a report at 14:45 WIB.

Slamet said 100 personnel and 27 South Jakarta Firefighters were deployed to speed up the blackout.

"At 14:52 WIB arrived at the scene. The beginning of the blackout was 14.55 WIB," he said.

"Still in the process of extinguishing the fire. The situation is red and thick," he concluded.

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