The Bandung City Health Office (Dinkes) opened the fifth dose of COVID-19 vaccination service or the third booster eyebrow booster dose for the general public in all health facilities or health centers in Bandung City.

Head of the Bandung City Health Office, Anhar Hadian, invited the public to come to the nearest health center to get a third booster vaccine.

"We have distributed it to all puskesmas in the city of Bandung, indeed the public's report is still lacking interest in vaccination," said Anhar in Bandung, West Java, Wednesday, January 10, which was confiscated by Antara.

Anhar said each puskesmas will carry out a third booster dose of vaccination after five residents have registered for vaccination.

"If you want to open the vaccine, you must be careful. Because one vial is taken, more than 24 hours must expire. So the puskesmas officers gather people who want to be vaccinated," he said.

He invited residents who had not received the third or second booster vaccine to go directly to the Bandung City Health Center, which numbered 80 units.

"This is used for the third booster vaccine, but if people have not received the second booster vaccine, of course it is allowed," said Anhar.

Anhar emphasized that currently the COVID-19 vaccination in the city of Bandung is still free or free of charge.

"The Ministry of Health has provided circulars for the elderly, health workers, high risk groups, vaccines are free. Apart from that, they are paid. But at this time we are still giving free of charge to people outside the group," he said.

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