Presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto recalled his moment of arguing with President Joko Widodo on the 2014 and 2019 presidential contestation stages.

"I've been opposite Pak Jokowi. I've been his rival for two elections, two presidential elections. Have you heard me debate with him, have you? But the debate is honorable, the debate is full of kinship," Prabowo said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 9.

This was conveyed by Prabowo in front of his volunteers while attending the gathering and declaration of the Jambi Province Pujakesuma Family Association DPW at the Abadi Convention Center, Jambi.

According to Prabowo, the contestation or competition that occurred between him and Jokowi at that time was still based on the love of the country and friendship.

"We compete, but we both love the country. We compete, but we are both Indonesian people. We compete, but we remain friends," he said.

Prabowo advised the public to always maintain unity and integrity so that it is not easy to fight against each other.

According to him, the Indonesian people are a big family that must unite and unite. "We must unite. For that, we must get along well. Don't want to be pitted continuously. We are a big family," he said.

On the other hand, the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party regretted a number of parties who tried to divide the Indonesian nation.

Prabowome said that there were still parties who were given kindness who actually responded with hatred.

"I can't stop thinking, I invite you to unite, but there are figures whose minds are strange. We give goodness, but they are rewarded with hatred," said Prabowo.

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