The Coordinator of the West Java Bawaslu Violation Handling Division, Syaiful Bachri, said that his party had begun to summon the reported cases of alleged violations of the neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in Garut Regency and Bekasi City. "We have started calling the parties regarding the alleged neutrality of ASN in Garut. Then also related to the photo of Jersey, which according to their information, ASN Bekasi City, we will ask for clarification, today," said Syaiful in Bandung, quoted by ANTARA Tuesday, January 9. Syaiful said that this step is a follow-up to reports that enter Bawaslu at the district/city, provincial and even Bawaslu RI levels, as well as from Bawaslu's own findings related to alleged violations of ASN neutrality during the 2024 election campaign stage. The clarification process of the reported party and other related parties, he said, would last for a maximum of up to 14 days. "For Garut, now data consolidation (report entry to Bawaslu at all levels) for delegation to Garut Garut, the implementation of clarification there. Then also Bekasi where the location is in Bekasi, we will also provide assistance for the process," he said. Regarding the case of neutrality with the suspicion that there was an election crime, Syaiful said that in both cases, Bawaslu will involve law enforcers starting from the prosecutor's office and the police, as well as expert witnesses, both criminal and telematic, to ensure the element of violation in the form of video recordings for the case in Garut Regency, or photos in Bekasi City. "Please wait for the clarification process for both the complainant, the reported and the witness," he said. Syaiful continued, the person in the case from Garut Regency and Bekasi City is currently still suspected of violating Articles 280 and 282 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, where the heaviest sanction is a maximum prison sentence of one year, as stated in Article 490. "If proven, moreover, the crime will be forwarded to the police and continued to the Prosecutor's Office until the trial, "he said. Then related to his alleged strong status as an ASN, in the case in Garut Regency and Bekasi City, Syaiful emphasized that Bawaslu had signed an MoU with the central government, local governments and law enforcers which was then outlined in several rules and instructions that emphasized that ASN must be neutral and guidelines for its development. "At the beginning, they suspected that their position was ASN, so that our suspicion was that they were "violating the 280 and 283 bans and regarding ASN which should not be profitable and detrimental to one of the parties. Then regarding its status as ASN, of course we recommend to KASN as the authorized party to foster," he said.
The maximum process in one case, he said, for 14 days for examination and for settlement of election violations, a time of 40 days is determined from registering until the end in court. "Regarding this election violation, we are guided by Perbawaslu 7 of 2022 regarding the process of finding and reporting for the 14-day examination process, and the completion is limited to 40 days. Starting from the report register until it is decided," he said.
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