West Java Governor Bey Machmudin inspected the location of the landslide disaster in Pasanggrahan Village, Kasomalang District, Subang Regency, which resulted in the death of two people.

"For residents affected by the landslide who are now displaced, for the families of the victims as well, we are also concerned about this tragedy. Hopefully they will remain steadfast and be given patience," said West Java Governor Bey Machmud as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 8.

His party conducted a direct review of the disaster site as a form of concern and synergy between the West Java Provincial Government (Pemprov) and the Subang Regency Government (Pemkab).

During his visit to the disaster location, the Acting Governor of West Java was accompanied by Acting (Pj) Regent Subang Imran, Head of West Java BPBD, Subang Police Chief, and Dandim 0605 Subang.

Bey and Imran and the Muspida Subang ranks provided direct support to the refugees and took the time to visit one of the injured victims who also lost his wife as a result of the accident.

To the refugees, Bey advised everyone to be patient not to return home until conditions are confirmed safe because there is a concern that there will be further landslides.

"Please be patient to stay in the evacuation first, until conditions are safe, because the weather is quite extreme at this time," said Bey.

The landslide in Pesanggrahan Village, Kasomalang District, Subang, occurred on Sunday (7/1) afternoon, along with heavy rain.

Acting Regent of Subang Imran said that two people were reported to have died as a result of the landslide disaster. Meanwhile, four other people were injured and are currently being treated at a nearby hospital.

West Java BPBD Chief Executive Dani Ramdan stated that so far there have been no reports of losses from the community after two people were found, so the search for victims by the Joint SAR Team is considered complete. However, the Joint SAR Team continues to monitor until conditions improve.

After the search for victims is declared complete, he continued, the efforts that will be made by the Subang Regency Government together with all related parties are to carry out rehabilitation and reconstruction immediately, considering that at the landslide location there is PDAM's intake for the water needs of 15,000 customers.

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