JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives who is also Deputy Chair of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), Meutya Hafid, assessed that other presidential candidates do not understand the issue of defense. They are considered not to think about the risk of opening up data in public.

This was conveyed by Meutya Hafid in response to the presidential candidate's debate with the theme of defense and security on Sunday night, January 7. There, the presidential candidate number two who is also the Minister of Defense (Menhan) was asked about one of the data, one of which was about the budget.

Defense data cannot be opened carelessly. Its nature is a state secret, a confidential. It can only be opened to certain circles," said Meutya in a written statement, Monday, January 8.

"Moreover, this debate is being considered by the whole world. If we talk about it in public, it is tantamount to revealing the secret of our defense to other countries," continued the Golkar Party politician.

Meutya regretted the attitude of presidential candidates number one, Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo who were presidential candidates number two who were considered to corner Prabowo. They should unite with Prabowo about the sovereignty of a vulnerable nation.

Moreover, Meutya assesses that many countries have an interest in the issue of defense in Indonesia.

"We should show unity that Indonesia is in a defensive debate, of course with the attitude of a prospective leader who is full of statesmen," he said.

In the future, Meutya hopes that the public can open their eyes to their choices after last night's debate. He said, everyone must be careful in choosing a leader because there is state sovereignty at stake.

"The world's geopolitical conditions are very vulnerable. It is very possible to have an impact on us. For that we need a strong leader who can guarantee the country's sovereignty to bring us to face world challenges," he said.

"A leader of a statesman who thinks about a country above other interests, let alone his personal political ambitions," said Meutya.

Furthermore, Meutya also appreciated Prabowo's attitude in the debate. The former Danjen Kopassus was deemed not to be provoked to detail the defense data even though it had been questioned by other presidential candidates.

"In my opinion, this is a form of statesmanship, prioritizing the country over politics," said Meutya.

Previously reported, Prabowo did not want to open a number of data in the debate held by the General Elections Commission (KPU). Among other things, related to the essential force (MEF) minimum mentioned by Ganjar and Anies.

Although he said the data presented by Ganjar was wrong, Prabowo did not want to reveal the data he had. The reason is, he will not have enough time to provide the correct explanation so that the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party invites to meet outside the debate event.

Responding to this, Ganjar refused and criticized Prabowo's answer. "Today's debate, why should it be tomorrow? If it's not ready, don't argue," said Ganjar in a press conference after the debate.

Similarly, Anies also regretted Prabowo's attitude and said that any explanation should be conveyed during the debate. This is because this forum is an opportunity for the public to understand issues, including defense issues.

"This is a forum for all people to understand, not coffee in a closed room. Explain in the forum and no matter how small the time is given, use it to convey and it can all be conveyed," said the former governor of DKI Jakarta.

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