BANGKALAN - The mystery of the man's body found by residents in the swamp in Bilaporah Village, Socah District, Bangkalan Regency, Madura on Saturday, January 6, was revealed. Bangkalan Police began to be able to reveal the identity of the victim.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bangkalan Police, Iptu Herly, said the victim was Muhammad Hipni who lived in Lergunung Village, Klampis Bangkalan District. The victim is a student of the Shipping Vocational School in Bangkalan.

"The perpetrators were two brothers and sisters. The initials were MFA and MRA. The two perpetrators were close friends and were still in the same school as the victim. The motive was hurt," he said, Sunday, January 7.

Herly revealed that at the time of the incident, Thursday (January 4, 2024), the victim was invited by the two perpetrators to see the fishing rods installed at the crime scene.

"Departed to a swamp of three on the grounds of seeing a fishing rod. When he went down to the swamp, the victim's head was hit, his neck was strangled and his head was smeared in the water until he couldn't breathe," he said.

Separately, the victim's neighbor Ahmad Muwafa admitted that he was surprised by the death of the victim. Especially in the eyes of neighbors, the victim is very well known.

"Departing on Thursday, January 4, 2024. Goodbye to school, no cellphone. Continue to lose contact. After news of the discovery of the body, we went to the hospital. The killer is still in the same school, from Mlajah Village. The information I got was two people, still close friends. The perpetrator often pawned the victim's cellphone and motorbike. Now the victim's motorbike is still pawned by the perpetrator," he said.

According to Muwafa, the victim was buried on Sunday, January 7 at 10:00 WIB. The family was devastated by the incident.

"This victim is the eldest child, has two younger siblings," he said.

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