JAKARTA - Ganjar Pranowo promised to develop the potential of the younger generation to become cybersecurity experts in order to strengthen Indonesia's defense.

This was conveyed by the presidential candidate Ganjar in the third debate of the 2024 presidential election held by the General Election Commission (KPU) at Istora Senayan, Central Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta, Sunday, January 7.

"Of course the LPDP (Education Fund Management Agency) has very high potential to dispatch people, great children there ( cyber studies abroad)," said Ganjar.

According to Ganjar, the LPDP can be used by the state to provide global education space for the younger generation in the cyber security sector. Moreover, there are many institutions that can be collaborated.

"But then when they return (to Indonesia), they must be given space to work. We can involve BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency). They can create very good collaboration," said Ganjar.

In addition to strengthening human resources (HR) from the younger generation, Ganjar also emphasized the importance of strengthening the State Password and Cyber Agency (BSSN) with good quality infrastructure and integrity.

"Even then security in the police, I think it needs a cyber institution led by a 3-star general and we need a cyber ambassador," he said.

Not to forget, according to Ganjar, all of this can be realized with fast internet access. So that the younger generation can learn cyber security properly and state cybersecurity agencies can run optimally.

"Even in addition to building good human resources and infrastructure, the internet speed and coverage must be high," he concluded.

For information, the theme of this debate is defense, security, international relations, globalization, geopoliticals, and foreign politics.

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